8 Teas to remedy your mood swings naturally
Relaxation, concentration, or to regulate mood swings, there is a tea for every mood. A simple cup of the brew can help change your mood and state of mind in more ways than you could imagine.
The Science Behind the Magic
Two of the key elements of tea are theanine and caffeine. Both of which have strong effects on one’s mood and ability to concentrate. Studies indicate that drinking tea helps improve physiological function and creativity. Tea helps lower levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone. The flavonoids in tea help combat degenerative neurological and psychological conditions. A cup of green tea a day can help lower the risk factors associated with dementia and depression. Tea contains copious amounts of antioxidants and amino acids that help regulate stress, improve concentration, and enhance memory retention.
The Effects of Tea on Attention
The caffeine content of tea stimulates neurotransmitters which improves alertness and attention. Caffeine also stimulates the release of Serotonin, the hormone that stabilizes mood, controls digestion, maintains bone health, and assists blood clotting. Theanine, an amino acid, present almost exclusively in tea, helps improve accuracy and the ability to transfer attention to a separate task.
The Effects of Tea on Mood
Drinking tea has been associated with the stabilization of blood pressure, the lowering of stress and anxiety levels along with the regulation of heart rates. These effects are a result of a number of different contributing factors. These factors include not just the active ingredients present in tea but also the sensory stimulus like the temperature of the brew, the aroma, and the color which help improve mood and a sense of well-being.
Recent studies suggest that drinking tea also affects neurological disorders like chronic insomnia, eating disorders, and depression. Besides the pro-cardiovascular, pro-metabolic, and anti-diabetic effects of tea, it has been related to the lowering of risk factors associated with neurological disorders.
Also Read- Ten best teas to relieve anxiety and soothe your senses
A Different Cup of Tea for Every Mood
Green Tea
The caffeine content of a freshly brewed cup of green tea makes it perfect for a wake-up call. If you are feeling groggy or tired, a cup will give you the subtle boost of energy that you need. Besides stimulating attention and brain function, green tea reportedly also helps combat degenerative neurological diseases.
- The bioactive compounds in green tea lower the risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
- The natural antioxidants found in green tea also give it the added advantage of preventing cell damage and reducing the risk factors associated with cancer and improving brain and cognitive functions.

Green Tea
- Green tea can help regulate and improve digestion and metabolism. A fair number of diets designed to reduce and treat obesity include green tea as one of its staple ingredients.
Lemongrass Tea
Lemongrass, a herb native to Sri Lanka and India, has extensive uses. It is used in different cuisines for its citrusy and fresh flavor and also a natural remedy for its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Tea infused with lemongrass helps alleviate stress, reduce anxiety and boosts immunity.
- Extremely soothing with its low caffeine content, lemongrass tea is the brew for when you are feeling a little blue.
- Lemongrass tea soothes abdominal pain, regulates blood pressure, and can treat common colds and coughs.
- It is a natural diuretic and boosts metabolism and digestion thereby reducing the risks associated with obesity.
- Lemongrass tea also contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C which stimulate blood circulation and promote hair and skin health.

Black Tea
If it is a shot of energy that you need, a cup of steaming black tea is the perfect pick-me-up.
- Black tea improves alertness, the cognitive abilities to process information and memory recall without the unhealthy side effects of disrupted sleep pattern and quality.
- Black tea also helps regulate blood pressure, bone density and reduces the risk factors associated with cancer, cardiovascular diseases.
Drinking black tea also helps reduce degenerative neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease.

Lavender Tea
Feeling anxious about a job interview or have a stressful day ahead of you? Need a good night’s sleep before an exam the next day? A soothing cup of lavender tea is the perfect remedy.
- The active ingredients in lavender tea soothe the impulses in brain cells and produce a calming effect.
- A 2015 study reported that lavender tea helped postnatal mothers combat depression and fatigue.
- A cup of lavender tea at night can help improve sleep quality and pattern.
- The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender tea are also extremely beneficial for your hair and skin health.
Though there isn’t any scientific study to support the claim, lavender tea has been reported to boost collagen and acts like an anti-ageing product.
Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea contains menthol which works as a natural muscle relaxant. This physical relaxation of the muscles helps soothe anxiety and stress levels.
- A cup of the brew before bed can help relax the muscles sore from a hard day of work and lead to a peaceful, restful sleep.
- Menthol when inhaled, stimulates the hippocampus which is the memory center of the brain. A cup of peppermint tea can help improve concentration and memory recall.
- Menthol is also a natural decongestant. A cup of the brew can help relieve sinus pressure, treat allergic reactions and soothe a sore throat. Add a touch of honey and lemon for the perfect antidote to the seasonal allergies and colds.
- Peppermint tea is also a perfect drink to balance the hormonal changes during menstruation. It stabilizes estrogen levels and helps soothe and treat the acne and rashes that breakout due to hormonal imbalances.
- It also helps remedy the constipation, cramps, and bloating that occur during a menstrual cycle.
Ginger-Honey Tea

If you want to inoculate yourself against a cold, treat a cough, or get rid of the hangover of the previous night’s party, a cup of ginger-honey tea does the trick.
- The anti-inflammatory properties of honey help treat infections, while ginger can help fight off nausea, migraines, and reduce pain caused by arthritis.
- A cup of ginger-honey tea can help you keep the vomiting and nausea at bay the next you get seasick or have morning sickness during pregnancy.
- Add a slice of lemon to boost your immune system and improve digestion.
- A cup of ginger-honey tea, first thing in the morning, is excellent for metabolism.
- Ginger and honey have powerful antioxidants which help elevate mood, lower stress levels, and improve cognitive functions like alertness and concentration.
- Ginger-honey tea helps improve blood circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Chai Tea

Chai Tea or Indian Masala Tea is a robust combination of black tea enhanced with the milk and infused with a wide assortment of spices. Spices which each contain different nutrients that boost health and relieve stress.
- The aromatic cinnamon and cardamom used in chai tea help treat sinus pressure.
- Cinnamon boosts blood circulation and reduces fatigue.
- Cloves have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which help fight infections and treat common colds and coughs.
- Star anise is also a good remedy for coughs.
- The antioxidant properties of ginger help boost blood circulation, immunity, and cognition.
- A hot cup of chai tea at the end of a heavy meal helps with metabolism and digestion.
Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is widely prescribed by sleep-therapists to help regulate and improve sleep habits. The eponymous flower that the tea is extracted from, contains an antioxidant called apigenin which acts as a natural and mild sedative that helps calm the nerves.
- Chamomile tea, since it contains little to no caffeine is an excellent remedy for insomnia and nightmares. It also helps relieve anxiety.
- Chamomile tea also contains antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties which help relieve abdominal pains, boost digestion, and soothes disorders like irritable bowel syndrome.
- The antioxidants in chamomile tea help regulate cholesterol, blood pressure, and insulin levels and thereby prevent cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
- Einöther, S & Martens, V. (2013, October 30). Acute effects of tea consumption on attention and mood. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/98/6/1700S/4577506
- Scaccia, A. (2020, August 19). Serotonin: What you need to know. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/serotonin#functions
- Rothenberg, D & Zhang, L. (2019, June 17). Mechanism Underlying the Anti-Depressive Effects of Regular Tea Consumption. National Center for Biotechnology Information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6627400/
- Gunnars, K. (2020, April 6). 10 Evidence-Based Benefits of Green Tea. Healthline.https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-green-tea#2.-May-improve-brain-function
- Olsen, N. (2019, August 9). 10 Reasons to drink Lemongrass Tea. Healtline.https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/lemongrass-tea
- Chen, Shu-Lan & Chen, Chung-Hey. (2015, November 2). Effects of Lavender Tea on Fatigue, Depression, and Maternal-Infant Attachment in Sleep-Disturbed Postnatal Women. National Center for Biotechnology Information. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26523950/
- Monaco, E. (2019, May 7). 7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea: Are you drinking enough?. Organic Authority. https://www.organicauthority.com/energetic-health/5-fantastic-health-benefits-of-peppermint-tea
- Mao, J et al. (2016, December 15). Long-term chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) treatment for generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized clinical trial. National Center for Biotechnology Information. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27912875/
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