Try our Cold remedy teas

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10 Best teas to get relief from a Cold

Are you fighting with a winter cold or flu and searching for home remedies to get rid of it?

We have a solution to your problem and we can bet at some point of time in life, you would have got this suggestion by your mother! Curious to know what it is? It’s simply a relaxing cup of hot tea. Read on to learn more — we'll tell you some of the best teas to fight various cold symptoms that will become your perfect companion when the cold knocks you down. Let’s get started!

How does tea help with a cold?

Research has shown that tea has anti-viral properties that provide you relief from cold. It helps you in recovering from a sore throat and relieves constant coughing.

Adding certain ingredients to your cup of tea further improves its benefits. For instance, adding a few drops of honey will further soothe the throat and provide relief from coughing. Similarly, adding a few drops of lemon juice to your cup of tea will give your body a dose of vitamin C that will help in alleviating symptoms of a cold.

Best tea for a cold
Hot tea to fight your winter cold symptoms

It is advised to increase the intake of fluids whenever ill and tea is one of the healthiest beverages to include in your daily diet. Drinking three to four cups of tea a day during cold or flu will benefit you immensely.

Now, you might be wondering which is the best tea to have for cold? So, let’s help you out there.

Best tea for a cold
Best teas for a cold

It’s true that some teas are more suitable to have during cold as compared to others. When you have got a cold, you need to drink teas that develop your immunity against the virus, soothe body aches and relieve nasal congestion.

One: Green tea for immunity against viruses

Green tea has the highest amount of antioxidants and these antioxidants keep the immune system of the body strong. Cold and flu is a seasonal illness and those who have weak immunity are the first ones to get affected by it.

So, treating your body with a cup of green tea every day is helpful in preventing the cold and flu in the first place. Moreover, the catechins present in green tea work as effective antiviral agents. When a virus attacks your healthy body cells, the body cells burn-off while trying to fight with it. The catechins reduce the infection rate of healthy body cells and help in speedy recovery.

Moreover, green tea gives an energy boost to you which helps you get over your dull mood while you’re suffering from cold.

Try Green tea to fight viruses
Try Green tea to fight viruses

Our recommendation

Ananda Veda is a calming Ceylon Green Tea infusion with mint leaves, lime flower, lavender, and rose-hip. When you’re down with cold, the taste of this green tea infusion will embrace your taste buds with a hint of lime and ginger while relaxing your mind and body.

Two: Black tea for relieving body aches

Black tea is popularly known as flu-fighting tea. This tea contains numerous flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants. This quality of black tea helps in increasing the immunity of your body hence, you can avoid catching a cold in the first place.

Now, when the virus or bacteria has invaded your immune system, black tea helps in managing symptoms associated with cold. Cold is often accompanied by body aches too and a cup of hot black tea is just what you need to relax your muscles and soothe the pain. Three to four cups of black tea a day will help you feel energetic and provide relief from nasal and chest congestion. The flavonoids present in it will reduce coughing as well as throat pain.

Try Black tea for body aches
Try Black tea for body aches

Our recommendation

Majestic Chai is a Ceylon Black tea infusion with Cardamom spice. Also known as the queen of spices, Cardamom is a natural source of camphor oil that helps boost immunity and relieves cold congestion.

Three: White tea for killing pathogens causing cold

White tea is the most delicate tea as it is harvested at an early stage and it is full of antioxidants. This tea is minimally processed, hence the real nutritional value of tea remains intact.

Similar to green tea, white tea also contains catechins and amino-acids such as I-theanine. These compounds can lower the replication speed of pathogens be it viruses or bacteria. Drinking white tea while you’re fighting with cough and cold will relieve the symptoms and prevent further multiplication of germs too.

White tea should be prepared well with hot water by following the brewing instructions properly. It has a gentle and soothing effect on the throat which provides relief from irritation and pain.

Try White tea to fight a cold
Try White tea to fight a cold

Our recommendation

If you’re looking for a low caffeine tea that will load you up with antioxidants and accelerate your recovery, Ceylon White Tea (also known as Silver Needle Tea) is a great option!

Four: Ginger tea for relieving sore throat

Ginger tea is all about ginger, the key ingredient. Ginger is a popular root used as a traditional herbal medicine in most parts of Asia. It contains a substance called Gingerol with powerful medicinal properties. This substance kills rhinoviruses which are the main cause of sore throat.

Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties that make it an ideal remedy for body aches and congestion.

When you are at war with your cold, you can drink three to four cups of ginger tea daily to feel better. You can also drink ginger tea if you experience chills due to cold weather or if your cold is accompanied by an upset stomach. Ginger tea is one of the best options for fighting the cold.

Try Ginger tea for a sore throat
Try Ginger tea for a sore throat

Two Seasons is Ceylon Black Tea infusion with Ginger root and Peach. The ‘superfood’ Ginger provides a valuable source of Vitamin C, Magnesium and other minerals that act as a natural antihistamine to boost immunity against cold, flu and allergies.

Five: Cinnamon Tea for relieving sore throat

Cinnamon is a strongly flavoured spice that is rich in antioxidants and leaves a warming effect when consumed with tea. A cinnamon stick in your cup of tea could do wonders for you since it helps in reducing sugar cravings and keeping cold & flu at bay. It has antibacterial properties that provide relief from sore throat pain.

Cinnamon tea can either be made using cinnamon as the key ingredient or it can also be made using black tea. It is used to ease the discomfort in the throat. You can drink up to three cups a day if you have a sore throat.

Try Cinnamon tea for a sore throat
Try Cinnamon tea for a sore throat

Our recommendation

Cinnamon that is grown in Sri Lanka (Ceylon Cinnamon) has a popular reputation in the market for being unique and possessing quality colour, flavour, and aroma and Cinnamon Chai is the perfect blend of Ceylon Black tea with Pure Ceylon Cinnamon.

Six: Peppermint tea for relieving cough and congestion

Have you ever noticed that your cough drops contain peppermint? Peppermint leaves are known for their healing properties. Peppermint tea, prepared from peppermint leaves improves breathing and relieves nasal congestion.

The menthol enriched peppermint leaves soothe your sore throat and act as a decongestant. It breaks down the mucus and provides relief from constant coughing. The peppermint can be consumed in the form of vapours through steam or by drinking a hot cup of peppermint tea, the latter is a better option. The chemical compounds of peppermint tea further reduce the replication of pathogens, therefore, stopping the infection from spreading.

You can drink peppermint tea at any time you prefer since it’s free from caffeine and doesn’t interfere with your sleep cycle. You can have one or two cups a day to feel better.

Try Mint tea for cough and congestion
Try Mint tea for cough and congestion

Our recommendation

In case you don’t want to have pure peppermint tea, you can try Zen Mint which is Ceylon Black tea infusion with mint leaves. This tea gives you benefits of both Black tea as well as peppermint tea. Mint leaves serve as an antispasmodic that provides relief from cough.

Seven: Elderberry Tea for quick recovery

Elderberry is a dark purple coloured berry native to Europe. Elderberry like any other berry is filled with boosting antioxidants which would help you fight symptoms of flu and cold.

Studies with elderberry extracts and syrups have shown that elderberry reduces the longevity of cold hence, you will be relieved of cold much early. It also reduces the severity of flu symptoms like coughing. The anti-inflammatory properties help in tackling with sore throat also.

Try Elderberry tea for quick recovery
Try Elderberry tea for quick recovery

Elderberry tea is a great option for you if you are having any symptoms of flu and cold. It is a caffeine-free drink that you can have it round the clock. Since there is no data about the quantity of elderberry tea that you should have but you will feel better by having one to two cups per day.

Eight: Hibiscus Tea for boosting immunity

All you need for fighting flu & cold is vitamin C. Hibiscus tea is made from the infusion of petals of hibiscus flower, which is not difficult to find.

Filled with antioxidants and vitamin C, it is always ready like a soldier at the border ready to provide a boost to your immune system. A strong immune system helps in fighting pathogens that disrupt the body functions. The antioxidants also lower the risk of respiratory tract infections hence, imparting smooth breathing. Vitamin C helps in fighting with symptoms of cold such as fever and sore throat.

Hibiscus tea is beneficial for treating your flu and cold and is also free from any side effects. You can drink up to two cups of hibiscus tea in a day.

Try Hibiscus tea for boosting immunity
Try Hibiscus tea for boosting immunity

Our recommendation

If you’re not much into herbal teas, then you can try Serendipity, Ceylon Black tea infusion with antioxidant-rich Hibiscus along with other herbs. This beverage is a delicious detoxifier that helps your body combat oxidative stress.

Nine: Lemon & Honey Tea for relieving a stuffy nose

Be it your stuffy nose or sore throat, lemon & honey tea is capable of fighting with all these symptoms.

Lemon which is a potent source of vitamin C will help you in reducing the duration of your cold. It is often suggested to drink lukewarm lemon water mixed with honey. The reason being honey is a strong cough suppressant. It breaks down the mucus and relieves your sore throat from itchiness and also from throat pain.

Lemon & Honey tea will be beneficial for your cold, the drink will soothe your throat, providing you comfort. Also, the breakdown of mucus will further facilitate smoother breathing. This warm drink does not have any side-effects and it is advised to drink tea when it’s moderately hot. You can have two to three cups of lemon & honey tea in a day.

Try Lemon tea for relieving a stuffy nose
Try Lemon tea for relieving a stuffy nose

Our recommendation

Lemon Kandy is black tea infusion with fresh lemon. It is rich in Vitamin C and Bioflavonoid Quercetin which makes it an antihistamine that boosts immunity against cold and flu. You can add honey to it to make the perfect cup of lemon and honey tea.

Ten: Clove tea for relieving from excessive coughing

Clove is a winter spice, packed with anti-inflammatory qualities. It suppresses symptoms of cold-like cough, sore throat and even useful for treating sinusitis.

Eugenol is the pigment found in the buds of the clove plant which facilitates health benefits. Cold followed by constant coughing damages the inner lining of the throat. This rupture of the inner lining of the throat can be repaired or saved from further degradation by the help of cloves.

Even chewing two cloves could relax your itchy throat. Some people prefer clove oil for getting rid of a stuffy nose or a sore throat. Adding 3-4 cloves in 250 ml of water and boiling the mixture for 5 minutes would do the trick for your cold ridden throat and nose. Drink while it is warm as being a hot beverage it will certainly add benefits for your cold. You can drink two cups of clove tea in a day.

Try Clove tea for cough relief
Try Clove tea for cough relief

Our recommendation

Simply add clove while preparing your cup of Ceylon Black tea. You can use The Vanilla Earl to prepare your black tea with cloves. The Vanilla Earl has bergamot oil that also helps in boosting immunity against cold.

What’s next?

What more you can do to give a sendoff to your cold? Keep yourself safe from exposure to any other disease. Be at home, use separate handkerchiefs, and wash them frequently. Consuming more liquids will further help your body in flushing out toxins and other harmful bacteria & viruses. More importantly, tea as a drink will provide you with instant relief from cold symptoms.

Comfort yourself beneath a warm blanket with a cup of tea, drink sip by sip inhaling the strong flavours of teas.

Give time to your body to carry out repair work on its own. As the body will fight it out against the pathogens, just give them more support by increasing the intake of our mentioned teas. Bidding adieu, hoping for your prompt recovery!



About the author

Shreya Dalela

Shreya Dalela

Contributing author

Shreya loves to research and write about tea and claims Mythical Green Pure Ceylon Green Tea to be her favorite go-to beverage. She swears that her daily cup of green tea gives her a dose of morning inspiration as she sits down to type 1000s of words every day. To unwind at the end of the day, she reaches for a cup of soothing Ananda Veda Green Tea infusion. You can often find her saying 'Everything is better with a cup of tea' :)

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Try our Cold remedy teas

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